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Online-maps sources for Guru Maps


It’s no secret that the basic set of cards with which the application is supplied is often not enough. However, it is possible to add additional maps yourself. Here you will find two sets of raster online-maps:

Basic set

A great option for beginners. If you still not sure what cards you should upload in the navigation app, you’ll start with this collection. Here is a minimum set of the most necessary, in my opinion, cards. This set is suitable not only to get acquainted with the different types of maps that can be installed in the application, but also quite cope with most everyday tasks.

Download from computer (all files)

Download from iOS smathphone (by one file)

Download from Android smathphone (by one file)

Full set

If you already know what kind of maps you need, then this set is for you. Note that it already includes maps from other compilers collections: Erelen, Dreame, ms.Galileo-app, Custom-maps-sourse and some others. And as there are many maps from the program SAS.Planet. A total of about a hundred cards included. Here are some of them:

Download from computer (all files)

Download from iOS smathphone (by one file)

Download from Android smathphone (by one file)

Attention! Maps based on Yandex are made in a non-standard projection. To Guru Maps was able to show them without distortion, they have to transform on the fly. So be prepared for the fact that these maps will load relatively slowly.

How to install maps from the smatphone (Android)

The other way

How to install maps from the smatphone (IOS)

Attention! This method of downloading maps directly from your smartphone may not work in older versions of GuruMaps (4.0.5 and below), showing the error “address is not valid”.

How to install maps from the computer (Android)

How to install maps from the computer (IOS)

Attention! The application will not see the maps that will be in the subfolders. It is necessary that all the files were in the same folder.

How to set up the traffic layer?

I note that among the cards in this collection there are several dynamic. I mean all the maps with a layer of corrent traffic sitiation. There should also include a layer with moving ships Openseamap. It is worth noting that the application is not designed for such cards, so in order to be able to work with them will need to do additional settings each time.

The first option - purging the cache:

As a result, the map will be periodically updated once in a certain (though relatively large) period of time.

The second option is a manual deletion of the cache:

This removes the cache and reloads the entire map except for the area on the screen. To update it, you need to switch to any other map before deleting the cache.

That’s all. If you have any suggestions what other sources of maps should be added to the collection (and what to remove), then send me an e-mail. It is desirable to attach a link to the page with the map of interest to the letter. And, of course, report bugs and inaccuracies on the site.

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