Online maps pack
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It’s no secret that the basic set of cards with which the application is supplied is often not enough. However, it is possible to add additional maps yourself. Here you will find two sets of raster online-maps:
Download maps by one file (sqlitedb)
Download maps by one file (metainfo)
Maps are presented in two formats. Theoretically, the maps are in the sqlitedb
format should be loaded faster. On the other hand, you can easily delete the cache for metainfo
maps. (Directly from the map folder). Anyway, you can download anything. But the Strava maps I recommend to download in the metainfo
format, then copy this file to the folder on smatphone Android\data\net.osmand\files\tiles
format, then you’ll get zip archive. Unpack it. Copy unpacked folder to the Android\data\net.osmand\files\tiles
, select Basic settings
and scroll down to Storage Directory
. Here you will find the address. Card you want to copy to the subfolder tiles
map Source
, Coverage maps
, substrate Map
Attention! At the moment, working with additional online maps is only available in the Osmand version for beta testing.
I note that among the cards in this collection there are several dynamic. I mean all the maps with a layer of corrent traffic sitiation. There should also include a layer with moving ships Openseamap. It is worth noting that the application is not designed for such cards, so in order to be able to work with them will need to do additional settings each time.
Suppose you already have a dynamic map on your screen. For example, Google Traffic. Some time has passed and you want to know whether the situation on the roads has changed. To do this, you need to do the following:
After these actions, the map will be reloaded. And if the condition of traffic jams has changed, you will see it.
That’s all. If you have any suggestions what other sources of maps should be added to the collection (and what to remove), then send me an e-mail. It is desirable to attach a link to the page with the map of interest to the letter. And, of course, report bugs and inaccuracies on the site.